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Our Factories and Offices
Services and operations available globally
Our Factories and Offices

Corporate Headquarters
Hong Kong, China
Unit 10, 3/F., Block B, Tonic Ind. Centre, 19 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay, Kln., Hong Kong
International Sales
Finance & Investment
Administration & Corporate Governance

Factory (Bucket & Attachments)
Changzhou, China
Manufacture bucket and attachments for excavator (construction and mining) & wheel loaders.
Area: 19,300 m2

Factory (Rollers)
Shaanxi, China
Manufacture undercarriage rollers (track roller, carrier roller, idler, sprocket)
Area: 50,000 m2

Factory (Track Shoe Assy)
Hubei, China
Manufacture track shoe assembly
Area: 100,000 m2

Bonded Logistics Center
Xi'an, China
Logistic handling
Import & Export products

Representative Office
Beijing, China

Representative Office
Ulsan, South Korea

Representative Office

Representative Office
Jakarta, Indoneisa
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